Examinations and Promotions

The academic session is divided into two semesters for the assessment of the students.

Semester-I – April-September
Semester-II – October-March

Summative and Formative Assessments are conducted to assess the curricular and extra curricular performance of the child and remedial measures are taken to rectify the weak areas of each student.

No prior/re-examination is conducted under any circumstances.
No student should remain absent from any test/examination without the prior written approval of the principal.
Absence from test/examination shall be entirely at the risk of the parents it involves a total loss of marks.
The promotion shall be based on the whole year’s performance of the student.
The minimum percentage for passing is 40 for each subject.
80% attendance is compulsory for appearing in the Annual examination.
Answer sheets of Annual examination shall not be shown to the parents.
All School dues must be fully cleared before a student appears for any examination.
Academic Award

Those obtaining 95% and above will be awarded Certificates of merit.